- About Smoking
- Harms of Smoking
- Smoking, Cancer & Other Diseases
- (new!) Misconceptions of Smoking
- Second Hand Smoke
- E-Cigarette
- How to Quit
- 8 Myths of Smoking
About Smoking
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), smoking has been found to be related to 6 million deaths worldwide annually. 14 types of cancer are related to smoking. 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. In Singapore, tobacco kills approximately 2,500 smokers and 250 non-smokers each year (based on the World No Tobacco Day information paper). There is a high percentage of smokers among Singapore residents aged between 18 to 69. Tobacco is known to cause several types of cancer such as lung, oral and nasopharynx cancer. Most of these cancers were among the top common cancers diagnosed in Singapore residents between 2010 to 2014. A cigarette alone contains over 7,000 chemicals and in these chemicals, 70 of them are cancer causing substances. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death and we would like to encourage all to stay smoke free. Sources: 1. World No Tobacco Day Information Paper, National Registry of Diseases Office 25 May 2015 2. Singapore Cancer Registry, Annual Registry Report, Trends in Cancer Incidence, 2010 - 2014 |
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Harms of Smoking
Tobacco can do damage not only to the whole person but also to the whole planet. ‘The harm caused by tobacco use is not limited to only lung cancer, heart diseases and emphysema. Tobacco use exacerbates other non-communicable diseases, mental illnesses and substance abuse problems, as well as damages the environment and undermines human development.’ – The Tobacco Altas, Amercian Cancer Society |
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Harms of Smoking During Pregnancy
Smoking effects on Fertility
Male Smokers:
Female Smokers:
(new!) Misconceptions of Smoking
I’m the only one who will be harmed from my smoking
The smoke from your lighted cigarette (side stream smoke) and the smoke you breathe out (mainstream smoke) can impact those around you. Exposure to such secondhand cigarette smoke predisposes one to heart attacks and stroke. Non smokers who are exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke at home (eg spouses) or the workplace increased risk of developing lung cancer. One paper from Taiwan showed that non-smoking women exposed to spousal smoking (more than 40 years) have an increased risk of lung cancer by almost twofold compared to those not similarly exposed. Secondhand smoke also increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). SIDS is the sudden unexplained unexpected death of an infant in the first year of life. Smoking by women during pregnancy increases the risk of SIDS.
Does smoking only cause Lung Cancer?
Smoking is linked to more than 14 different types of cancers. Lung cancer is NOT the only side effect of Smoking. Smoking also causes cancer of the mouth and throat, voice box, esophagus, stomach, kidney, pancreas, bladder and even acute leukaemia (blood cancer). It also causes heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis.
{slider I am a social smoker, hence I am not at risk of cancer.}
No! This is untrue. Studies have found that social smokers were 2.5 times more likely to suffer from lung disease and 8.6 times as likely to contract lung cancer compared to non-smokers. Many social smokers eventually become heavy smokers later in life.
{slider If I use an air freshener or air filter, my secondhand smoke will not hurt anyone.}
More than 7000 chemicals have been found to be present in cigarette smoke. At least 200 have been found to be harmful. Air fresheners and air purifiers only mask the smell of the smoke, and do not reduce the harmful fumes significantly. Most air filters are designed to reduce the larger particles (particulate pollutants) in the air, but they do not remove the volatile organic compounds (VOCs or toxic gases eg acetaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and others).
If you fail to quit the first time you try, you’ll never be able to quit
On average, it takes 8 to 10 attempts at quitting before a person actually succeeds in breaking the habit. It is never too late to stop smoking at any point in life.
My other healthy habits can make up for my smoking habit
Smoking affects every organ system in the body. Eating a healthy diet and exercising does not reduce the health risks associated with smoking.
Switching to ‘light’ cigarettes will reduce my risk.
Smokers who use “light cigarettes” unknowingly compensate for the lower levels of tar and nicotine by inhaling smoke more deeply or by smoking more cigarettes. Eventually, the same amount of harmful components is inhaled. Cigarettes labelled “natural” or “organic” are not safer than ordinary cigarettes.
E-cigarettes / Vaping is less harmful than traditional cigarettes
E-cigarettes heat nicotine, flavourings and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you inhale. This creates just many harmful fumes that are toxic to the body. An outbreak of vaping induced acute lung disease in the USA in 2019-2020 resulted in almost 2800 hospitalisations and 61 deaths.
E-Cigarettes / Vaping are less addictive than traditional ones
Both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes both contain nicotine, which research finds is just as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Most e-cigarette users are also dual users ie they also smoke cigarettes concurrently. Furthermore, you are able to buy extra-strength e-cigarette cartridges which has a higher concentration of harmful chemicals entering your body.
E-cigarettes / Vaping is the best smoking cessation tool
Although they have been marketed as an aid to help you quit smoking, it has not been proven to be an effective method to date. A recent study found that most people who intended to use e-cigarettes to kick the nicotine habit ended up continuing to smoke both traditional and e-cigarettes in the long run. The other danger is that kids who experiment with e cigarettes end up as cigarette smokers in the long term as e cigarettes may be the gateway to nicotine addiction.
Trying to quit smoking will cause me to gain weight and that’s unhealthy
The risk posed by carrying the extra weight is very mild compared to the risk of continued long term smoking. The important thing is to anticipate this effect and to counter it with a regular exercise plan and healthy diet regime.
I’ve smoked for so long; the damage is already done
The damage caused by smoking is cumulative, and the longer a person smokes, the greater his/her risk of life-threatening ailments. Quitting smoking at any age brings health benefits. The other reason to quit smoking is also to reduce the risks posed to loved ones in the family.
{slider Trying to quit smoking stresses me out and that’s unhealthy.}
Though tobacco withdrawal is stressful, there’s no evidence to show that the stress has negative long-term effects. Research shows that smokers who quit tend to eat better, exercise regularly and feel better about themselves. Based on an average smoker, they will be able to save up to $2,000 per year, which is quite a hefty sum of money. They should also speak to their doctor about medications to help counter the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
- hopkinsmedicine.org
- Source: Health Canada, American Cancer Society, WebMD
- cdc.gov
- Lee CH, Ko YC, Goggins W, Huang JJ, Huang MS, Kao EL, Wang HZ. Lifetime environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and primary lung cancer of non-smoking Taiwanese women. Int J Epidemiol. 2000;29:224–31.
- Outbreak of lung injury associated with e-cigarette use, or vaping. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019
Second Hand Smoke
Is Smoking E-Cigarette Less Harmful? E-cigarettes are battery operated devices designed to deliver nicotine with flavourings and other chemicals to users in vapor instead of smoke. Although e-cigarettes do not produce tobacco smoke, it still contain nicotine and other potentially harmful chemicals. A new study finds that nicotine is not only addictive but also harms the lungs. It also reduces that tissue’s ability to serve as a barrier to foreign substances. Research has also found that nicotine is harmful to the developing teenage brain and affects memory and attention. According to MOH, the vapour from e-cigarettes still contains cancer-causing agents which pose a risk to both the user and by standers. Source: Hariz, B. (2015, Aug 30) E-cigarettes remain illegal. Retrieved from http://www.asiaone.com/singapore/e-cigarettes-remain-illegal Janet Raloff, B.M. (2015, May 29) Vaping may harm the lungs. Retrieved from https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/vaping-may-harm-lungs |
ShishaThe WHO report reveals that shisha fosters addiction and it also has passive smoking effects, just like cigarettes. Shisha may be flavoured with your favourite fruits, it is basically tobacco that you smoke and it is toxic. The liquid that you smoke is composed of flavoured tobacco and molasses. Molasses is responsible for the temptingly sweet taste and the clear cut smell. Studies have shown that smoking shisha for 45 minutes is equivalent to smoking 50 cigarettes. In fact, it is twice the levels of carbon monoxide and thrice the levels of nicotine when compared to the levels of these chemicals from 50 cigarettes. These high levels of carbon monoxide may result in unconsciousness and brain damage. Long term use of shisha which contains chemicals such as cadmium, increases the risk of cancer, especially cancer of the mouth, gums and lungs. Source: Shisha smoking- The truth about the harms. Retrieved from http://www.quitshisha.com/blog/quit-shisha-blog/shisha-smoking-the-truth-about-the-harms/ Are E-cigarette or Shisha illegal?Smoking of shisha was fully banned in Singapore since 1 Aug 2016 and vaping through the e-cigarette is illegal in Singapore. With the new laws, any person found with e-cigarettes is liable to a fine of up to $10,000 and/or a maximum jail term of six months. Subsequent convictions will double the initial penalties. |
How to Quit
Throw away all your lighters, ashtrays and cigarette packs! ALL of them, including the ones you have hidden in your drawer for 'emergency' purposes. Make it known to everyone that you are quitting to prevent you from failing! Remember the 4 Ds! Distract yourself by doing something else Eat a sweet, do some exercise and keep your mind occupied Delay lighting up Everytime you feel like lighting up, eat a sweet or drink some water to delay lighting up Do deep breathing exercise to help you relax Concentrate on your body and your breathing to get over your cravings Drink a glass of water or milk slowly Keep your hands and mouth busy For more information and if you need help to quit, please call QuitLine at 1800 438 2000 or visit I Quit |
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8 Myths of Smoking
The smoke from your lighted cigarette (side stream smoke) and the smoke you breathe out (mainstream smoke) can impact those around you. Exposure to such secondhand cigarette smoke predisposes one to heart attacks and stroke. Non smokers who are exposed to second hand cigarette smoke at home (eg spouses) or the workplace increased risk of developing lung cancer. One paper from Taiwan showed that non-smoking women exposed to spousal smoking (more than 40 years) have an increased risk of lung cancer by almost twofold compared to those not similarly exposed. Secondhand smoke also increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infact death syndrome). SIDS is the sudden unexplained unexpected death of an infant in the first year of life. Smoking by women during pregnancy increases the risk of SIDS.
Air fresheners and air purifiers only mask the smell of the smoke and do not reduce the harm in any way.
Second-hand smoke is composed of both particles and gases. Most air filters are designed to reduce fine smoke particles in the air, but they do not remove the gases.
On average, it takes 8 to 10 quitting attempts before a person actually succeeds in breaking the habit.
Smoking affects every organ system in the body, eating a healthy diet and exercising does not reduce the health risks associated with smoking.
Smokers compensate for the lower levels of tar and nicotine by inhaling smoke more deeply or by smoking more of each cigarette. Eventually the same amount of killing components is inhaled.
Cigarettes labelled "natural" or "organic" are no safer than ordinary cigarettes.
“Benefits of quitting start on the day you stop.”
The damage caused by smoking is cumulative, and the longer a person smokes, the greater his/her risk for life-threatening ailments.
Quitting smoking at any age brings health benefits.
Source: Health Canada, American Cancer Society, WebMD