
banner support group 7

Reach to Recovery is a breast cancer support group that aims to help women cope with life challenges brought about by breast cancer. The women involved in this programme have lived through breast cancer. They now give their time to provide a listening ear and to share their experiences in order to help other women achieve a full recovery: cosmetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically.


Membership is free.

Meetings every fourth Saturday of the month, 10.30am - 12.30pm
Open to breast cancer patients and survivors


Join our support group by completing and submitting the following form to us. We’d love to personally welcome you into our community and we hope to see you at our next session. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling us at 6499 9132. 

Support Group Member Registration

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quote profile jessica too


"I want to inspire and encourage more cancer patients and survivors to think positively and to live an active and fulfilling life, a life of no regrets."

- Jessica Too, stage 2 breast cancer survivor and Reach to Recovery member