

Breast cancer remains the number one cancer affecting women in Singapore.  Each year, about 2,165 women are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, and about 436 die from the disease. The chances of surviving breast cancer increase with early detection. Remember to go for regular mammogram and do your monthly breast self-exam

SCS Clinic @ Bishan
This October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) 2020. Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) aims to encourage women 50 years and above to go for a mammogram screening every two years. All year round, SCS offers at its SCS Clinic @ Bishan, fully paid-for mammograms to women aged 50-69 years and who possess a valid Community Health Assist Scheme card (CHAS orange or blue). 

SCS Mammogram Funding Assistance
SCS will also be providing funding assistance of $25 towards the mammogram screening for eligible women who make their appointment at participating breast screening centres from 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020. Book your appointment by 30 November 2020.

BCAM Virtual Public Forum
There will be 4 virtual public forums held in English (10 Oct), Chinese (17 Oct), Malay (24 Oct), Tamil (31 Oct) from 10am to 12noon each week.

Get Fit in Pink Virtual Workout
Stay active by participating in various workout sessions such as Yoga, Zumba and more throughout October.

For more info, visit bit.ly/scsbcam2020