

The Society adheres to the principles and guidelines of the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (April 2023) (“Code of Governance”), the Charities Act, and regulations as governed by the Commissioner of Charities. For the year in review, we continued our firm commitment to the governance and sustainability of the Society’s mission.


The Council & Management

The Society is governed by a Council comprising twelve (12) elected members and up to four (4) co-opted members, all of whom serve as volunteers with no business affiliations with SCS. They are nominated by the SCS Nomination Committee in a formal and transparent process, based on the strength of their personal and professional calibre to contribute to the strategic oversight of the Society. They are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) based on their knowledge, skills, expertise, experience, and ability to contribute to the Society's development. Following the AGM, the newly formed Council elects the office-bearers from among its members for a one-year term. Council members will hold office for a term of two years, subject to a maximum total term of ten (10) consecutive years. They can be re-elected after a lapse of not less than two (2) years

No individual may hold the office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary for more than ten (10) consecutive years. However, they may be reappointed to the same role after a minimum interval of two (2) years. Similarly, no individual may hold the office of Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer for more than four (4) consecutive years, with eligibility for reappointment to the same role after a two (2) year break. The Council's Terms of Reference are outlined in the constitution.

The Council and Management of SCS are deeply committed to upholding good corporate governance, recognising its importance in ensuring the sustainability of the Society’s mission to support the cancer community. Together, they are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Code of Governance, as well as all relevant laws and regulations. Individual Council members complete a self-evaluation annually to evaluate competencies in specialized fields which may be of benefit to SCS. This is submitted to the Nomination Committee and Council Chairman to review the results. The consolidated submissions are then shared with the entire Council for peer consideration.


Council Roles and Composition

The Role of Council Members

  • Define the mission and steer the organisation towards achieving it.
  • Guide and ensure effective strategic organisational planning
  • Determine, monitor, and strengthen the organisation’s programmes and services.
  • Ensure adequate financial and human resources (Resource Mobilisation).

Committees are established to support the Council in overseeing key areas of accountability, including Governance, Advisory & Resource, Administrative & Events, Campaigns, and Support Groups. Each Committee operates under Terms of Reference (TOR) approved by the Council, and Council members participate in these Committees to provide oversight

Committee members are carefully selected to bring a diverse range of expertise, ensure equitable responsibility, and contribute specialised knowledge to decision-making in their respective areas. All Committees maintain records of their proceedings, and copies of any resolutions passed, whether at meetings or by written resolution, are shared with the Council.


The SCS Governance and Advisory & Resources Committees

A full list of the SCS Committees can be found here. Roles of the SCS Committees and Terms of Reference (TOR):

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in the oversight of the following areas, as outlined in the Terms of Reference (TOR):

  • Systems of internal controls, including financial, operational, and compliance controls, as well as the management of financial risk.
  • The financial reporting process.
  • The internal and external audit processes.

The Audit Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Council regarding the appointment, re-appointment, or removal of external auditors, as well as considering the remuneration and terms of engagement for external auditors. Additionally, the Committee may perform other oversight functions as requested by the Council or undertake special investigations.

The Audit Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Council regarding the appointment, re-appointment, or removal of external auditors, as well as considering the remuneration and terms of engagement for external auditors. Additionally, the Committee may perform other oversight functions as requested by the Council or undertake special investigations.

The Audit Committee meets at least twice annually. Its roles and responsibilities include:

Internal Control 

  • Review, monitor, and recommend systems of internal control to identify and mitigate any financial risks associated with the Society.
  • Assess whether management is fostering an appropriate control culture by emphasising the importance of internal controls and the management of financial risks, ensuring all employees understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Review and monitor management’s implementation of internal control recommendations made by both internal and external auditors.
  • Ensure a review of the effectiveness of the Society’s material internal controls, including financial, operational, and compliance controls, interested party transactions and management of financial risk is conducted at least once annually.
  • Review with management, in collaboration with the internal and external auditors, the results of investigation and follow up actions, when the Audit Committee are made aware of any fraud, illegal acts, infringement of any laws, or other similar issues.

Financial Reporting

  • Review significant accounting and reporting issues, including recent professional and regulatory pronouncements, and assess their impact on the financial statements.
  • Review significant accounting and reporting issues, including recent professional and regulatory pronouncements, and assess their impact on the financial statements.
  • Review any legal matters that could significantly affect the financial statements.
  • Review audit findings, including suggestions for improvement provided by the external auditors.
  • Recommend the adoption of the annual financial statements to the Council.

Internal and External Audit

  • Review the effectiveness and adequacy of the internal audit function, including its activities, resources, and standing within the Society, at least annually.
  • Review the proposed audit scope and approach of the internal and external auditors, ensuring that no unjustified restrictions or limitations have been imposed on the scope and that there is coordination between internal and external auditors.
  • Ensure that significant findings and recommendations from the internal and external auditors are received and discussed on a timely basis, and monitor and review management’s response to these findings and recommendations.
  • Meet with the internal and external auditors without the presence of management at least once annually.
  • Evaluate the performance of the external auditors, the results of the audit and its cost effectiveness.
  • Consider the independence of the external auditors including reviewing the range of non-audit services provided and ensuring an appropriate balance between objectivity and value for money, at least annually.
  • Ensure that the internal auditor adheres to standards set by nationally or internationally recognised professional bodies.
  • Make recommendations to the Council regarding the appointment and re-appointment of external auditors (subject to approval by the Comptroller of Income Tax), and consider the audit fee and any issues related to the resignation or removal of the external auditors.

Other Duties

  • Have the authority to form sub-committees to investigate specific areas within Audit Committee’s responsibilities, with the assistance of external consultants as deemed necessary.
  • Review any related party transactions to ensure that the best interests of the Society and its stakeholders are safeguarded.

Cancer Treatment Fund Committee

The Cancer Treatment Fund Committee is established by the Council to assist the Welfare Committee by providing medical insights to support the disbursement of the Cancer Treatment Fund to cancer patients. The Cancer Treatment Fund Committee meets at least once annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Cancer Treatment Fund Committee are as follows:

  • The roles and responsibilities of the Cancer Treatment Fund Committee are as follows:
  • Evaluate the relevance and service standards of cancer treatment funding and propose improvements to enhance the efficacy of the Cancer Treatment Fund (CTF). All treatment regimens are assessed by the panel doctors of the CTF Sub-Committee, and endorsement by the majority of the CTF constitutes approval of the medical indication.
  • Recommend the approval of treatment subsidies for cancer patients based on medical indications.
  • Conduct an annual review of approved drugs and treatments.

Cancer Treatment Fund Sub-Committee (for blood cancer types)

The Cancer Treatment Fund Sub-Committee (for blood cancer types) is established by the Council with the objective of providing expertise, guidance, review, and approval of treatment subsidies for blood cancer patients based on medical indications.

Community Health Committee (formerly known as Public Education Committee)

The Community Health Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in ensuring that the Cancer Education and Prevention Programmes conducted by the Society fulfil its mission of promoting public awareness about cancer, supporting cancer prevention initiatives, and encouraging early detection through regular screening. The SCS Community Health Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Community Health Committee are as follows

  • Propose a strategic, long-term direction for the Society’s Community Health programmes.
  • Endorse the annual work plan and key performance indicators for the Community Health Department.
  • Endorse the annual operating budget for Community Health, for approval by the Council, and oversee budgetary control.
  • Ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to the execution of Community Health programmes, and that these resources are effectively and efficiently managed and utilised.
  • Nominate the Chairman and members of the organising committees for each awareness campaign organised by the Society, subject to Council approval.

Community Partnership Committee

The Community Partnership Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in overseeing the Society's donor engagement and communications programmes, fundraising and volunteer activities, and community and corporate outreach efforts. This includes fundraising initiatives organised solely by the Society or in collaboration with third-party organisations. The Community Partnership Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Community Partnership Committee are as follows:

  • Develop long-term strategic policies and priorities for fundraising, for recommendation to the Council.
  • Develop long-term strategic policies for the volunteer programme.
  • Oversee the donors’ engagement and communications programme.
  • Oversee the community and corporate outreach and engagement efforts.
  • Provide policy guidance and oversight for all fundraising and volunteer programme initiatives.
  • Establish annual and long-term financial targets and goals for the institution.
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress of fundraising and volunteer activities and programmes in meeting targets and goals.
  • Ensure that appropriate resources are mobilised to support fundraising and volunteer programmes, including budgetary oversight.
  • Support the recruitment of volunteers and staff in the identification, research, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of major prospects and donors, and provide guidance in the assignment of prospects to solicitors.
  • Review and recommend third-party fundraisers and joint initiatives proposed by external organisations to raise funds for the Society, for approval by the Council.
  • Ensure good governance practices and internal controls are in place to maintain financial integrity and transparency in all fundraising activities conducted by the Society or third parties on its behalf.
  • Ensure proper accountability and stewardship of funds raised.
  • Advise on best practices for volunteer engagement and recognition to maximise the contribution of volunteers towards achieving the Society’s goals.

Digital And Technology Committee

The Digital and Technology Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in providing guidance for all IT projects undertaken by the Society. The Digital and Technology Committee meets as required, based on the needs of the Society.

The roles and responsibilities of the Digital and Technology Committee are as follows:

(a) Provide guidance on IT-related projects undertaken by the Society.
(b) Provide guidance on the tender process for IT projects undertaken by the Society.
(c) Review, recommend, and approve the selection of vendors for IT projects.
(d) Perform other functions as required under the Constitution or as determined by the Council from time to time.

Facilities  Committee

The Facilities Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in the following areas:

  1. Participation in the Reality Centre’s collective sale pertaining to SCS’s office premises.
  2. Relocation of SCS’s operations

The Facilities Committee meets at least twice annually. The roles and responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:

(a) Collective sales

  • Recommend to the Council the position SCS should take regarding the proposed collective sale.
  • Recommend to the Council the position SCS should take regarding the proposed collective sale.
  • Perform such roles and duties as directed by the Council in relation to the proposed collective sale.


(b) Relocation

(i) Recommend to the Council alternative premises to house the various SCS operations in one location.
(iii) Oversee the allocation and use of available space.
(iv) Oversee renovation needs and associated budgeting.
(v) Oversee the relocation process.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Council in fulfilling its obligations and stewardship on all finance-related matters of the Society. The Finance Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Finance Committee are as follows:

(a) Review the monthly financial statements and financial performance of the Society prior to submission to the Council.
(b) Consider and recommend the annual budget (both operating and capital) for approval by the Council.
(c) Submit recommendations to the Council for approval to draw down on the reserves of the Society when necessary.
(d) Monitor and review any deviations from the annual budget.
(e) Review and formulate accounting policies (including financial approval limits), guidelines, and procedures.
(f) Review and modify financial policies, including those relating to revenue, expenditures, procurement, and accounting.
(g) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as delegated by the Council from time to time.

Financial Assistance Scheme Task Force

The Financial Assistance Scheme Task Force is established by the Council with the objective of reviewing SCS’s financial assistance schemes to ensure their relevance and effectiveness in supporting the cancer community. This review considers the evolving social structure and the assistance provided by the government and other related organisations. The Financial Assistance Scheme Task Force meets at least once annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Financial Assistance Scheme Task Force are as follows:

(a) Review all SCS financial assistance schemes, streamline work processes, and develop a consistent rationale across all the schemes offered.
(b) Ensure the financial assistance schemes remain relevant to the current needs of cancer patients and their families, while reviewing internal processes to ensure SCS delivers aid efficiently.
(c) Present all recommendations to the Welfare Committee.

Human Resource Committee

The Human Resource Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting in providing oversight on all human resource, administration, and IT matters of the Society. The Human Resource Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Human Resource Committee are as follows:

(a) Draft and revise the development, review, and authorisation of HR policies and procedures for approval by the Council.
(b) Propose the terms and conditions for the CEO and other senior management staff in accordance with the Chart of Authority.
(c) Establish a salary structure and review employees’ annual salaries and benefit packages in accordance with the Chart of Authority.
(d) Review and propose to the Council performance bonuses and salary increments, including compensation principles, objectives, and competitive positioning.
(e) Review job descriptions and management’s processes for attracting, retaining, developing, motivating, and tracking the performance of employees and their contributors to the Society’s success, to ensure its long-term sustainability.
(f) Build and strengthen a valuable and compelling employee brand for the Society.
(g) Develop employees through programmes that offer relevant and engaging training and long-range career planning.
(h) Handle formal employee grievances against the CEO or when an employee formally appeals a decision made by the CEO to the Council.
(i) Recommend the annual manpower budget for approval by the Council.
(k) Perform other duties and responsibilities as determined by the Council from time to time.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Council in fulfilling its obligations and stewardship on all investment-related matters of the Society. The Committee is also tasked with reviewing and ensuring that the Society's reserves are protected, preserved, and not eroded by long-term inflation. The Investment Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Investment Committee are as follows:

(a) Develop, periodically review, and revise the Investment Policy.
(b) Monitor the performance of investment funds and managers in accordance with the Investment Policy.
(c) Retain or replace investment managers and/or investment funds in the portfolio.
(d) Review the background of Investment Committee members to ensure no conflicts of interest exist.
(e) Perform any other duties and responsibilities as delegated by the Finance Committee or the Council from time to time.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is established by the Council. Its purpose is to make recommendations to the Council regarding the composition of the SCS Council. Its guiding principle is to select the best candidates to fill vacancies through a formal and transparent process.

The responsibilities of the Nominations Committee are to recommend to the Council:

(a) The candidates to be elected to the Council.
(b) The filling of any vacancies on the Council as they arise.
(c) The candidates for election to be elected to Offices.
(d) The Council members to serve on the Audit Committee and.
(e) Removal of a Council member during their term for non-performance or other valid reasons.

Welfare Committee

The Welfare Committee is established by the Council to assist in overseeing the disbursement of financial schemes, support services, and programmes for cancer patients. The Welfare Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Welfare Committee are as follows:

(a) Evaluate financial assistance schemes to ensure relevance and service standards, recommending proposals or approaches to enhance the effectiveness of welfare aid funding.
(b) Establish financial criteria and means testing for funding eligibility.
(c) Oversee the review and approval process, management, and administration of the welfare fund, including implementing financial approval limits, ensuring proper supporting documentation for case files, and establishing internal control and operational measures for good corporate governance and risk management
(d) Propose an annual budget and work plan for each new financial year for the following: 1. Cancer Treatment Fund 2. Welfare Aid 3. Cancer Care Fund 4. Other Financial Schemes 5. Cancer support Services
(e) Provide direction and policies on patient care and rehabilitative services for support groups approved by the Society.
(f) Establish a support group database to track and manage support group members.
(g) Evaluate support group programmes to ensure relevance and recommend proposals or approaches to enhance support services for patients, survivors, and their caregivers.
(h) Establish guidelines and policies for the Society’s support groups.

The Cancer Care Kit Review Committee

The Cancer Care Kit Review Committee is established by the Council with the objective of reviewing the Cancer Care Kit to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in supporting the cancer community, considering the ever-changing cancer landscape. The Cancer Care Kit Review Committee meets at least once annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Cancer Care Kit Review Committee are as follows:

(a) Review the Cancer Care Kit’s contents to ensure the information remains relevant in light of evolving cancer treatment options and available resources.
(b) Present all recommendations to the Welfare Committee.

SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Management Committee

The SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Management Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Council in providing oversight and making suitable recommendations for the rehabilitation services of the Society.

The SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Management Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Management Committee are as follows:

(a) To have oversight on clinical and professional matters pertaining the standards, policies, processes of SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Services.
(b) To provide clinical and administrative guidance on the types of services and programmes to be offered.
(c) To provide guidance and direction on SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Services, guidelines and policies.
(d) To review annual budget and work plan for each new financial year.
(e) To recommend areas of improvement and changes, where appropriate.
(f) To refer suitable patients and/or increase awareness of SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Services.

SCS Cancer Research Panel

The SCS Cancer Research Panel is established by the Council with the objective of ensuring that the SCS Cancer Research Grant Call, conducted by the Society, achieves its mission of improving the quality of life, care, and treatment for anyone impacted by cancer. The SCS Cancer Research Panel meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Cancer Research Panel (CRP) are as follows:

(a) Agree on the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the Cancer Research Grant Call.
(b) Provide strategic input on the direction that SCS plans to take regarding cancer research.
(c) Finalise the research scopes and selection criteria for the Cancer Research Grant Call.
(d) Review, evaluate, and select the finalist proposals for funding.
(e) Provide guidance and approvals for ongoing projects under the SCS Cancer Research Grant.
(f) Actively participate in meetings by attending, discussing, and reviewing the minutes of CRP documents.
(g) Be available for interviews or provide expert opinions when needed in relation to cancer research events.
(h) Offer subject matter expertise and advice on cancer research-related matters, serving as the voice of SCS in addressing cancer research queries.
(i) Assist in reviewing cancer research & Data Analytics.

SCS Help The Children and Youth Programmes - Tuition Advisory Committee

The Tuition Programme Advisory Committee (TPAC) is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Welfare Committee in providing advice and resources on the structure and development of the tuition programme under the SCS Help the Children and Youth Programme. The TPAC meets at least once annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the TPAC are as follows:

(a) Recommend guidelines and policies related to the tuition programme to address the needs of both tutors and students.
(b) Evaluate tutors and tuition fees to ensure their relevance and service standards and recommend proposals or approaches to improve tuition programme funding.
(c) Provide advice and resources for the development of the tuition programme.

SCS Medical Professional and Audit Committee

The Medical Professional and Audit Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Council in providing oversight of Hospice Patient Care—which includes medical, nursing, and allied health services, SCS Hospice Care, and Psychosocial Services. The Medical Professional and Audit Committee meets at least four times annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the Medical Professional and Audit Committee are as follows:

(a) Advise the SCS Council on all clinical and professional matters related to SCS Hospice Care and Psychosocial Services.
(b) Oversee quality assurance of professional medical, nursing, and allied health care provided to SCS Hospice patients.
(c) Periodically review SCS Hospice patient statistics, medical (drug and equipment) expenses, and clinical audits, including any statistical returns to MOH.
(d) Promote the development of clinical practice standards and benchmarking.
(e) Provide advisory input on clinical manpower establishment and salaries as needed, and offer feedback to the HR Committee and SCS Council.
(f) Advise and assist in the recruitment of key clinical staff, if required.
(g) Provide direction for the future development of SCS Hospice Care and Psychosocial Services.
(h) Advise on annual clinical training budgets and assess the suitability of clinical training courses and conferences for staff professional development in SCS Hospice Care and Psychosocial Services.
(i) Serve as the Ethics Review Committee to evaluate research proposals, if any.
(j) Act as the Medical Review Board to address complaints related to clinical matters or practices involving SCS Hospice patients.

SCS Prostate Cancer Survivorship Advisory Committee

The Prostate Cancer Survivorship (PCA) Advisory Committee is established by the Council, with the objective of assisting the Council by providing specialist experience, knowledge, guidance, contacts, and acting as a resource provider to support SCS’s Prostate Cancer Awareness and Prostate Cancer Survivorship Programmes. The PCA Advisory Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the PCA Advisory Committee are as follows:

(a) Provide insights and resources for implementing and monitoring the PCA Programmes, including:

  • SCS Prostate Cancer Education materials
  • SCS Prostate Cancer Walnut Warrior Support Group
  • SCS Man Plan Exercise Programme
  • SCS Prostate Cancer Specialist Nursing Programme
  • SCS Prostate Cancer Nurse Exchange Programme (training)
  • SCS Patient Ambassador Programme (training and resources)

(b) Provide relevant information, feedback, and manage the performance of the above programmes.

(c) Collaborate with healthcare professionals to increase awareness among the general public, policymakers, and those affected by prostate cancer through forums, conferences, research, and educational materials.

SCS Breast Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The SCS Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) Campaign Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Community Health Committee in ensuring that the Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society achieve its mission of promoting public awareness of cancer and encouraging early detection and prevention through regular screening. The BCAM Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the BCAM Committee are as follows:

  • Agree on the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the campaign.
  • Provide strategic input on messaging.
  • Advise and guide the implementation to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Provide content and determine the topics to be covered in the campaign.
  • Provide content and determine the topics to be covered in the campaign.
  • Ensure activities are aligned with the campaign objectives and support the achievement of these outcomes (e.g., speaking or providing speakers for talks or forums).
  • Actively participate in meetings by attending, engaging in discussions, and reviewing minutes and BCAM Committee documents.
  • Serve as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
  • Be available for interviews or to provide expert medical opinions related to breast cancer and the awareness campaign.
  • Provide subject matter expertise and advice on cancer-related matters, acting as the voice of the Society in addressing public and media queries.
  • Assist in providing medical/clinical interpretation of health content developed by the Society’s Community Health Department.

SCS Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) Campaign Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Community Health Committee in ensuring that the Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society achieve its mission of promoting public awareness of cancer and encouraging early detection and prevention through regular screening. The CCAM Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the CCAM Committee are as follows:

(a) Agree on the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the campaign.
(b) Provide strategic input on messaging.
(c) Advise and guide implementation to achieve desired outcomes.
(d) Provide content and determine the topics to be covered for the campaign.
(e) Ensure activities are aligned with the campaign objectives and support the achievement of these outcomes, e.g., speaking or providing speakers for talks or forums.
(f) Actively participate in meetings by attending, discussing, and reviewing the minutes of CCAM Committee documents.
(g) Serve as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
(h) Be available for interviews or provide expert medical opinions where needed in relation to colorectal cancer and the awareness campaign.
(i) Provide subject matter expertise and advice on cancer-related matters and be the voice of SCS in addressing public and media queries.
(j) Assist in providing medical or clinical interpretation of health content developed by the SCS Community Health Department.

SCS Gastric Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The Gastric Cancer Awareness Month (GCAM) Campaign Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Community Health Committee in ensuring that the Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society achieve its mission of promoting public awareness of cancer and encouraging early detection and prevention through regular screening. The GCAM Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the GCAM Committee are as follows:

(a) Agree on the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the campaign.
(b) Provide strategic input on messaging.
(c) Advise and guide implementation to achieve the desired outcomes.
(d) Provide content and determine the topics to be covered in the campaign.
(e) Ensure activities are aligned with the campaign objectives and support the achievement of these outcomes, e.g., speaking or providing speakers for talks or forums.
(f) Actively participate in meetings by attending, engaging in discussions, and reviewing the minutes of GCAM Committee documents.
(g) Serve as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
(h) Be available for interviews or provide expert medical opinions where needed in relation to colorectal cancer and the awareness campaign.
(i) Provide subject matter expertise and advice on cancer-related matters, serving as the voice of SCS in addressing public and media queries.
(j) Assist in providing medical or clinical interpretation of health content developed by the SCS Community Health Department.

SCS Lung Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign (LCAC) Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Community Health Committee in ensuring that Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society achieve its mission of promoting public awareness of cancer and encouraging early detection and prevention through regular screening. The LCAC Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the LCAC Committee are as follows:

(a) Define the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the campaign.
(b) Provide strategic input on messaging.
(c) Advise and guide implementation to achieve outcomes.
(d) Contribute content and identify topics to be covered in the campaign.
(e) Ensure that activities align with campaign objectives and support achieving desired outcomes (e.g., speaking at or providing speakers for talks or forums).
(f) Actively participate in meetings through attendance, discussion, and review of minutes and LCAC Committee documents.
(g) Act as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
(h) Be available for interviews or provide medical expertise for matters related to lung cancer and the awareness campaign.
(i) Offer subject matter expertise and advice on cancer-related issues and represent SCS in responding to public and media queries.
(j) Assist in providing medical or clinical interpretation for health content developed by the SCS Community Health Department.

SCS New Voice Club Advisory Committee

The New Voice Club Advisory Committee is established by the Council, with the objective of assisting the Council by providing specialist experience, knowledge, guidance, contacts, and acting as a resource provider to support SCS’s Head & Neck Cancer Survivorship Programmes. The advisory committee meets at least once annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the advisory committee are as follows:

(a) Provide insights and resources to support SCS New Voice Club Support Group.
(b) Provide relevant information, feedback, and manage the performance of the above programmes.
(c) Collaborate with healthcare professionals to increase awareness among the general public, policymakers, and those affected by head and neck cancer through forums, conferences, research, and educational materials.

SCS Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (PCAM) Campaign Committee is established by the Council with the objective of assisting the Community Health Committee to ensure that Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society achieve its mission of promoting public awareness on cancer and encouraging early detection and prevention through regular screening. The PCAM Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the PCAM Committee are as follows:

(a) Define the campaign’s goals, objectives, and desired outcomes.
(b) Provide strategic input on messaging.
(c) Advise and guide implementation to achieve outcomes.
(d) Develop content and topics to be covered in the campaign.
(e) Ensure activities align with campaign objectives and support outcomes (e.g., providing speakers for talks or forums).
(f) Actively participate in meetings through attendance, discussion, and review of PCAM Committee documents.
(g) Serve as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
(h) Be available for interviews or provide medical expertise on prostate cancer and the awareness campaign.
(i) Provide subject matter expertise on cancer-related issues and represent SCS in public and media interactions.
(j) Assist in the clinical interpretation of health content developed by the SCS Community Health Department.

SCS Women’s Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month Committee

The Women’s Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month (WGCAM) Campaign Committee is established by the Council to assist the Community Health Committee in ensuring that Community Health Programmes conducted by the Society fulfil its mission of promoting public awareness on cancer, encouraging early detection, and fostering prevention through regular screening. The WGCAM Committee meets at least twice annually.

The roles and responsibilities of the WGCAM Committee are as follows:

(a) Establish the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the campaign.
(b) Provide strategic input on messaging.
(c) Advise on and guide implementation to achieve campaign outcomes.
(d) Develop content and topics to be covered in the campaign.
(e) Ensure activities are aligned with campaign objectives and support successful outcomes (e.g., through speaking engagements or providing speakers for talks or forums).
(f) Actively participate in meetings, including attendance, discussions, and reviewing minutes of WGCAM Committee documents.
(g) Serve as media spokesperson(s) for the awareness campaign.
(h) Participate in interviews or provide medical expert perspectives related to women’s gynaecological cancers and the awareness campaign.
(i) Offer subject matter expertise and advice on cancer-related matters, serving as the voice of SCS in addressing public and media queries.
(j) Assist in providing medical or clinical interpretation of health content developed by the SCS Community Health Department.


The Organisation Leadership

The Chief Executive Officer is accountable to the Council for the conduct, coordination and quality of all the Society’s programmes and services. He is assisted by his Senior Management Team.


Whistle Blowing

A Whistle Blowing Policy is in place to drive governance and a systemic flow of information across the organisation. The Management nurtures a strong culture of integrity by ensuring there are accessible feedback channels for all employees and members of the public to the Audit Committee.

Concerns may be raised with or information provided to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or: 

Private & Confidential
For the Attention of Audit Committee Chairman

Singapore Cancer Society
30 Hospital Boulevard, #16-02, Singapore 168583

All cases reported will be objectively investigated and appropriate follow-up action will be taken accordingly. Depending on the nature of the concern raised or information provided, the investigation will be conducted, involving one or more of the following individuals or entities:

• The Audit Committee
• The External Auditor, and/or
• The Police or Commercial Affairs Department

When the investigation is completed, the investigating officer(s) will report the findings to the Audit Committee for its necessary action.


Conflict of Interest Policy 

Members of the Council and employees are required in their respective capacities to act at all times in the best interest of the society. All Council members and employees of SCS are required to read and understand the Conflict of Interest policy in place and make full disclosure of any interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. All Council members are required to declare any actual or perceived conflict of interest to the Society at the start of the term, and annually, or as soon as such conflict or the possibility of such conflict arises. All employees are required to declare any actual or perceived conflict of interest at the point of hire and annually. When a conflict of interest situation arises, the member/ employee shall abstain from participating in the discussion, decision-making and voting on the matter.


Reserves Management

Singapore Cancer Society maintains a reserves policy of more than one times its annual operating budget to meet operational requirements. Operating reserves exclude all building/project funds, endowment, and sinking funds. Reserves are invested in Singapore dollar fixed deposits and bonds with banks. All investments are reviewed and approved by the Council.


Fundraising Practices

Singapore Cancer Society is committed to ensuring that our fundraising practices are ethical and conducted with honesty and transparency at all times, in accordance with the Fundraising Guidelines recommended by the Charity Council. We promote a high level of accountability, ensuring that funds raised are used for the specific programmes and services as communicated to donors. Various communication platforms and channels are available for donors to provide feedback to our Society. We also uphold the highest standards to protect donors’ information and confidentiality through stringent processes and compliance with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act.



As a charitable organisation, Singapore Cancer Society is not in the business of extending loans or giving donations. We will not provide a loan or donation to any person, except on exceptional grounds approved by the SCS Council.


Audit and Legal

Internal Auditor, BDO Advisory Pte Ltd, works closely with the Audit Committee and the Management to systematically assess the internal controls of the Society. Reviews are conducted regularly based on agreed upon scope. Processes are reviewed on rotational basis across the years. SCS statutory auditors are RSM SG Assurance LLP, and legal support is provided by RHTLaw Asia LLP.


Disclosure and Transparency

The Council Members adhere to regular evaluation of its performance and effectiveness and ensure compliance with requirements in the Code of Governance. The Society makes available to its stakeholders an annual report that includes information on its corporate governance, programmes, activities, services, audited financial statements, Council members and Management. The annual report is also published online via the Society’s website.

For the financial year, Council Members did not receive any remuneration in their capacity as members of the Council. No employee is involved in setting their own remuneration, and no employee serves as Council member. The remuneration of the three highest paid employees is disclosed in the bands of $100,000 as follows. 

  Remuneration bands     2023 Number of Executives     2024 Number of Executives  
  $300,000 to $399,999 1 1
  $200,000 to $299,999   2 2
  $100,000 to $199,999 0 0

Note: The three highest paid employees do not serve in the Council.



Public Image

The Society shares information about its programmes, events, and activities through various platforms, including its website, social media, newsletters, marketing brochures, and other materials. A summary of media coverage on the Society is included in the monthly report submitted to the Management and Council.


Enterprise Risk Management

As part of our risk management process, Singapore Cancer Society reviews and updates the risk register periodically. Process owners review their processes, assess the adequacy of controls, and implement mitigating controls where applicable. Key risks are discussed in Management meetings for awareness, with updates provided to the Council.

Based on the established internal controls, work performed by external and internal auditors, and risk management reviews conducted by Management, the Council, supported by the Audit Committee, believes that the Society’s internal controls were adequate and effective in addressing financial, operational, compliance, and information technology risks relevant to its operations. The Council acknowledges that the system of internal controls and risk management provides reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that the Society will not be adversely affected by any reasonably foreseeable events while striving to achieve its objectives. The Council also notes that no internal control and risk management system can provide absolute assurance against the occurrence of material errors, poor judgement in decision-making, human error, losses, fraud, or other irregularities.


Personal Data Protection Act

Personal Data Protection Act The PDPA establishes a data protection law comprising rules governing the collection, use, disclosure, and care of personal data. SCS recognises individuals' rights to protect their personal data, including rights of access and correction. SCS has implemented policies and processes to ensure compliance, maintaining data integrity. All employees are required to undergo PDPA training, and additional security measures have been adopted to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, or disposal of personal data.


Impact Framework

The impact framework was implemented in 2016 to enable the Society to become an 'outcomes-focused organisation,' measuring the effective and impactful differences we make in the cancer community. Each initiative, programme, and service SCS embarks on aligns with four main strategic thrusts: reducing cancer incidence, increasing survival rates, improving quality of life, and fostering greater community action. To support these 4 thrusts, strategic actions are developed to guide strategic directions, which are broken down into departmental work plans and cascaded into individual KPIs. With the evolving healthcare landscape and digital transformation, the organisation will continue to adapt to stay relevant, provide effective programmes and services for the cancer community, and address public needs.


Remuneration of Council Members

Remuneration of Council Members There are no claims by Council members for services provided to the Society, whether through reimbursement, allowance, or direct payment to a third party.


Council Meeting Attendance Record

Monthly meetings are held to review the Society’s results, performance, plans, and programmes. To ensure meaningful participation, all Council meetings are planned and scheduled well in advance, with materials circulated to Council members one week before each meeting.

For the Period 1 April 2023 To 31 March 2024:

 Mr Lee Meng Tat 11 out of 12 meetings
 A/Prof Dr Ravindran Kanesvaran   8 out of 12 meetings
 Ms Koh Hui Hwa 8 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Choo Swee Cher 9 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Teh Seng Leong  8 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Pek Tiong Boon 7 out of 12 meetings
 Dr Choo Su Pin 8 out of 12 meetings
 Ms Dilys Boey 10 out of 12 meetings
 Dr Anna Yip  9 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Kenny Rebeira 10 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Wong Yu Han 12 out of 12 meetings
 Mr Mak Hoe Kit 9 out of 11 meetings
 Dr Samuel Ow 11 out of 11 meetings
 Dr Eileen Poon 6 out of 11 meetings
 Mr Ang I-Ming 5 out of 6 meetings


Committee Meetings Attendance Record

Attendance for key committees for the term 2023-2024

Council members are highlighted in bold; along with key appointments where applicable.




 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Kenny Rebeira (Chairperson)   3 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Ku Xian Hong  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Noel Yeo  3 out of 3 meetings 
Ms Dilys Boey  1 out of 3 meetings 



 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Teh Seng Leong  (Chairperson)   2 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Pek Tiong Boon  1 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Yeo Chuen Eng  1 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Aw Boon Tiong    2 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Mak Hoe Kit  2 out of 2 meetings 



 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Yeo Chuen Eng (Chairperson)  3 out of 4 meetings 
 Mr Mak Hoe Kit (Vice Chairperson)  2 out of 4 meetings 
 Ms Kerry Leow  2 out of 4 meetings 
 Mr Wong Yu Han  1 out of 4 meetings 
 Mr Mah Liang True  2 out of 4 meetings 
 Mr Chew Loy Cheow  4 out of 4 meetings 


Human Resource:

 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Lee Meng Tat (Chairperson)   3 out of 3 meetings 
 Mr Wong Yu Han  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Evangeline Chua  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Cindy Tan 3 out of 3 meetings



 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Lee Meng Tat (Chairperson)   2 out of 2 meetings
 A/Prof Dr Ravindran Kanesvaran    2 out of 2 meetings
 Ms Koh Hui Hwa  2 out of 2 meetings



Medical Professional and Audit:

 Name  Attendance  
 A/Prof Ravindran Kanesvaran (Chairperson)   3 out of 3 meetings 
 Mr Choo Swee Cher  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Ku Xian Hong  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Miriam Teo  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Wu Huei Yaw  2 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Grace Yang  2 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Alexis Koh  3 out of 3 meetings 


Community Health:

 Name  Attendance  
 Dr Samuel Ow (Chairperson)   1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Choo Su Pin  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Chee Cheng Ean  1 out of 1 meetings 
 A/Prof Timothy Lim  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Veronique Tan Kiak Mien  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Jeffery Tuan  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr See Kay Choong  
 Prof Jimmy So  
 Dr See Hui Ti  



 Name  Attendance  
 Mr Pek Tiong Boon (Chairperson)   2 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Kenny Rebeira  2 out of 2 meetings 
 Dr Wong Loong Mun  1 out of 2 meetings 
 Mr Andy Sim  1 out of 2 meetings 


SCS Cancer Rehabilitation Management:

 Name  Attendance  
 Dr Ng Yee Sien (Chairperson)   3 out of 3 meetings 
 A/Prof Ravindran Kanesvaran (Co-Chairperson)   2 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Jong Sze Chin  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Loh Yong Joo  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Ms Hozaidah Binte Hosain 3 out of 3 meetings
 Dr Norhisham Bin Main  2 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Lavina D. Bharwani  3 out of 3 meetings 
 Dr Choo Bok Ai 2 out of 3 meetings
Dr Edmund Neo  
Ms Koh Hui Hwa  
Mr Wong Yu Han  
Dr Wong Chin Jung (Observer)  


Community Partnership:

 Name  Attendance  
Mr Choo Swee Cher (Chairperson)  2 out of 2 meetings 
Mr Ang I-Ming 2 out of 2 meetings
Mr Shane Chiang  2 out of 2 meetings 
Dr Choo Su Pin  2 out of 2 meetings 
Dr Anna Yip  2 out of 2 meetings 
Mr Ang Kian Peng  
Ms Yvonne Koh  


Cancer Treatment Fund Sub-Committee (For blood cancer types):

 Name  Attendance  
 A/Prof Ravindran Kanesvaran (Chairperson)  NA
Prof Chng Wee Joo NA
Dr Chandramouli Nagarajan NA
Dr Daryl Tan NA


Cancer Treatment Fund:

 Name  Attendance  
 A/Prof Ravindran Kanesvaran (Chairperson)   1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Lim Siew Eng  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr See Hui Ti  0 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Richard Quek Hong Hu  1 out of 1 meetings 
 Dr Eileen Poon Yi Ling  0 out of 1 meetings 
Dr Jens Samol  1 out of 1 meetings 


Facilities & Relocation:

 Name  Attendance  
Mr Lee Meng Tat (Chair)   2 out of 2 meetings 
Mr Ang I-Ming 2 out of 2 meetings
Mr Mak Hoe Kit 2 out of 2 meetings


Cancer Research Panel:

 Name  Attendance  
Dr Choo Su Pin (Chairperson)   2 out of 2 meetings 
Dr Andrea Wong 2 out of 2 meetings
Dr Lim Chwee Ming  2 out of 2 meetings 
Dr Irene Teo 2 out of 2 meetings
Dr Samuel Ow  


Digital and Technology Committee:

 Name  Attendance  
Mr Wong Yu Han (Chairperson)   2 out of 2 meetings 
Mr Loh Ching Soo  2 out of 2 meetings 
Mr Khoong Hock Yun 2 out of 2 meetings
Dr Anna Yip 1 out of 2 meetings
Mr Gregory Chia 2 out of 2 meetings
Mr Lim Wei Lian 2 out of 2 meetings